
Language: Matching

Matching pairs is a game that children love to play – there is likely a version in most of our homes and if not, it’s quite easy to create your own playing cards using postcards or stock images, as long as the paired images are identical. All you’ll need for this activity is a clear space on the table or floor, some playing cards (as few or many as you like, depending on your age/aptitude of your child) and time.

Matching pairs to teach language in Montessori

Have a look at the below tutorial by tutorial by My Montessori Works by My Montessori Works to see how the game works:

It’s interesting to note in the above tutorial that the cards are initially laid face-up (giving little players an idea of where the cards are) before being turned face-down, at which time children take it in turns to try and find matching pairs. We love that such a simple activity teaches such important life and learning skills, including memory development, social skills and concentration building.

Unlike many of the Montessori lessons, which children will eventually do independently, matching requires a participant – a friend, parent or teacher. It requires children to interact, take turns and share. These practices are wonderful building blocks for learning how to socialise and engage with others as they make their way through life in its various contexts.

If you’d like further information about this tutorial, feel free to contact us  at info@standrewsmontessori.com. We’re happy to answer any questions.