
Ten top tips for starting Montessori school well

Starting school is a big deal! Exciting but also a bit scary. Children are unique and their transition into a new environment may vary. It’s important that they know it’s totally normal to feel nervous and that we’re there to support them with a ready ear, lots of cuddles and a nurturing environment that inspires their curiosity and builds confidence as they embark on their Montessori journey.

starting school as a montessori child

Have a look at these ten top tips that will give some ideas on how to prepare your children for a brand-new learning adventure:

  1. Take the time to understand the principles and approach of Montessori education. This might involve reading books, attending parent orientation sessions or consulting with teachers to gain deeper insights into how the Montessori method supports your child’s development.
  2. A consistent daily routine at home can help children feel secure and prepared for school. Montessori emphasises order and structure, so maintaining a predictable routine can help children transition smoothly between home and school.
  3. Encourage your child’s independence by involving them in daily tasks at home. Teach them practical life skills such as dressing themselves, tidying up their toys or preparing their snacks. This fosters self-reliance and prepares them for the independence-focused environment of the Montessori classroom.
  4. Maintain open lines of communication with your child’s Montessori teacher. Share information about your child’s interests, strengths, and challenges, as well as any relevant changes or events at home – this will enable better support and understanding of your child’s needs.
  5. Create a calm and organised environment at home that aligns with Montessori principles. This could include a designated space for your child’s activities, with low shelves or containers for their materials and toys.
  6. Foster a love for learning by encouraging your child’s natural curiosity. Support their exploration of the world around them, ask open-ended questions and provide opportunities for hands-on experiences. Montessori education values active learning and discovery.
  7. Emphasise the joy of discovery rather than focusing solely on outcomes or achievements, where mistakes and challenges are viewed as opportunities for learning and growth.
  8. Be patient with your child and trust the Montessori process. Montessori education is designed to meet the unique needs and pace of each child, allowing them to develop at their own rhythm.
  9. Provide opportunities for your child to engage with others (play dates, picnics with friends, enjoy community events or extracurricular activities).
  10. Exploring outdoor spaces, take long walks and engage in nature-based activities. Nature experiences align with Montessori principles and support children’s holistic development.

For any further advice, please do feel free to contact us at info@saintandrewsmontessori.com. We’re happy to answer any questions. Our website also has some brilliant information to guide you through Montessori thinking.