
Visit to the Barnsbury Wood

Every year we pay a visit to the Barnsbury Wood, a little hidden gem in Islington and the smallest local nature reserve in London! The children love exploring the woods that are just around the corner from the school. This term the theme was Autumn Sensory Seasons and was lead by Jayne Barber who works for the Ecology Team in Islington.

Autumn Sensory Seasons includes the following activities:

Autumn treasure

In small groups, children go on a trail collecting some of autumn’s natural treasures, then play a guessing game.

Listening Game

The magical sounds of the nature reserve: a chance to listen to all the natural and unnatural sounds around us.

Meet a tree

Woodland exploration: in pairs with eyes closed, children are led to a tree to feel and explore, then with eyes open try to discover which tree they met!

All the Colours

The excitement of autumn colours: the children make their own picture on sticky cards of as many different colours they can find